
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Workshops

We offer workshops to our community and clients as often as we can and as needs are identified. Some of the themes include anxiety and depression, forgiveness, addressing the inner critic, understanding and processing through grief, parenting, as well as enhancing marriages workshops.


Forgiveness is something we all struggle with. As we process and work through the offenses we have endured and will continue to endure as we live in this fallen world, we can choose to forgive. We can experience the freedom that comes with this amazing gift freely offered to us over 2,000 years ago when Christ died on the cross for our sins.

Therapist and facilitator, Carol Cleveland says, “When we are forgiving, we are more vulnerable to open up. As we recognize we can forgive but not necessarily always find restoration within the relationship, we can experience freedom. Acceptance is key and this tolerance will honour the other individual.

This workshop is intended to work with people who “have been hurt, wounded or offended by a hard-to-handle transgression, want to forgive, have tried to forgive, but have not been able to forgive.”